.Does your propane retailer provide a thorough inspection, leak test and pressure test of your propane gas system for FREE?
Liberty Propane does!
It is important that your entire gas system be inspected – both outside and inside if applicable – to ensure that it is working properly and is installed to meet current safety codes. Liberty will check your system for things like proper line size, equipment shut-offs, sediment traps, proper regulators and gas leaks. We will also do pressure and leak tests on the system.
A thorough system check has the added benefit of allowing you to easily disclose to a potential buyer that there were no issues with the gas system – and if you let your property insurance agent know you have a current system check, you may even get a premium discount.
What should I do if I smell propane?
❑ Do NOT touch electrical switches, light matches or create any other source of ignition.
❑ Get everyone out of the building and away from gas equipment.
❑ Go to a nearby phone and call your gas supplier.
❑ Do NOT re-enter the area until it has been deemed safe.
❑ A trained service technician must repair the leak, turn on the propane, check all propane equipment and re-light pilots.
Yes, turn off the main gas supply valve on your propane tank if it is safe to do so. To close the valve, turn it to the right (clockwise) until tight.
Can I turn my gas supply back on again?
No. A qualified Liberty Propane service technician must perform a leak check of your propane system before turning the gas supply back on.